USInG THe CAble loCk
Connect the HA15 power supply. This has a handy cable lock to prevent
accidental disconnection. Simply release the lock using a hex screw wrench
and pass the power supply cable through the lock to secure it in place.
Turn on the HA15 by depressing the front panel power switch. The power
LED will illuminate to let you know the power supply is properly seated.
VolUme ConTRol
Set the level control fully counter-clockwise (off). Plug in your headphones.
Turn on your audio system. Activate the music source. Slowly increase the
volume on the HA15 until you have reached a comfortable listening level.
ImPoRTAnT noTe
As the HA15 is designed to work with all types of headphones
or varying impedances. It incorporates a powerful amplifier that
is capable of damaging your hearing if you are exposed to loud
music for an extended period of time. As we have no control
over the impedance of the headphone you are using, it is your
responsibility to ensure that listening levels are kept under
control and that you follow the health and safety guidelines in
your community. We do not recommend headphones be used
by children unless they are carefully monitored by a parent or
guardian. The use of ear-buds is not recommended.