Explaining General Information
P/N 85266-30, Manual revision: A
What is the
System 2
Using updated apheresis technology, Haemonetics has produced the
- a
compact, lightweight plasmapheresis system which is as easy and safe to use as
it is technologically advanced.
The PCS2 automated apheresis technology provides the operator with a
maximum degree of flexibility in any type of plasmapheresis location. The
plasma collected may be designated for use in therapeutic transfusion. It may also
be conserved, used as source plasma and subsequently fractionated into plasma-
derived products.
What are the
and features of
is appropriately called a
Plasma Collection System
because it consists
of distinctive
which collectively function as a
whole system
to produce a
designated final product:
The automated plasmapheresis device developed by Haemonetics
called the
The process designed by Haemonetics to gather plasma from a donor
called a
collection procedure
The single-use collection material manufactured by Haemonetics called
a disposable set
Once the operator has initiated a PCS2 procedure, plasma collection will
proceed automatically. The appropriate amount of anticoagulant solution will be
mixed in the disposable tubing with whole blood from the donor. This anticoag-
ulated blood will be drawn into a disposable collection bowl and separated by
centrifugal force into its various components.
When the bowl reaches its collection capacity, the plasma component will exit
the bowl and be directed into a plasma collection container for conservation.
Non-selected blood components will be returned to the donor. This cycle will be
repeated until the desired amount of plasma is collected.
The choice of the disposable collection material will depend on the desired
collection product. The PCS2 technology also provides the operator with the
option to infuse saline solution along with the blood components to the donor at
different points of a procedure, depending on the type of disposable bowl in use.
Haemonetics has designed the PCS2 technology with a degree of automation
which permits the operator to interact with the device. The operator should
remain attentive to the display screen messages while monitoring the status of the
donor. It is possible to modify certain aspects of the collection procedures, based
on the needs and requirements of the individual donor and the selected material.