For double lifting mechanism
Operate both lifting mechanism, synchronous resp.evenly.
Run in of chain into the chain container for hoist with double lifting mechanism
For a correct run in of chain into both chain containers, the lowering operation must be carried out, without
load, at certain intervals, until both chain container are empty.
For motorized devices with operating limit switches "lowering"
Lower until the operating limit switch is released.
Non-observance can lead to device damages!
The hoist must always hang centrally under the beam or under its suspension point.
Monorail push travel trolleys are moved by pushing the load.
Monorail hand geared trolleys are moved by pulling the hand chain.
Brake and pawl
The brake system needs a minimum load of 3% of the capacity.
Only this minimum load makes sure that the load-pressure-brake closes correctly. When the brake closes
correctly, the load is safely held
Working situations with no guarantee that the minimum load is charged, are forbidden!
The operator of the unit is responsible for the entire system.
According to the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health, a hazard analysis must be carried out by the
Observe the respective national standards, regulations and directives of the responsible bodies at the place
of operation.
Hoists up to 1000 kg capacity and without motor-driven trolleys of hoisting unit must be tested by a
“qualified person” before putting into operation for the first time.
Hoists of 1000 kg capacity and up or with more than one motor-driven hoist movement; i.e. lifting and
trolley movement, must be tested by a “licensed qualified person” before putting in operation.
An exception is “hoists ready for operation” acc. validated national regulations with EU-declaration of
Definition “qualified person” (former expert)
A “qualified person” has learned, due to occupational training and experience and the job that the person has
done, the skills needed to tests the material for one’s work.
“licensed qualified person” (former approved expert)
A “licensed qualified person” has, due through special occupational training, knowledge about testing of the
material for one’s work and knows the national accident prevention regulations and other prescriptions and
technical regulations. This person must test the material for one’s work regularly with regard to design and
kind of use. The license will be given to qualified person be the approved supervision authorities (ZÜS).