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IX. Warranty condi�ons

1. For the purposes hereof:

a) „Seller" shall mean HABYS Sp. z o.o. located in Jasło, Poland, at 16 Produkcyjna Street.

b) „Purchaser" shall mean the final Purchaser of the equipment.

c)„Authorised Service" shall mean the service maintained by the Seller.

2. The Seller shall ensure good quality and opera�on of the equipment for which the guarantee card has

  been issued for the period stated in the card.

3. Guaranteed repair shall not cover ac�vi�es provided for in the instruc�on manual which should be

performed by the Purchaser themself.

4. The guarantee shall not cover: damages to the equipment resul�ng from inappropriate usage or usage

  incompliant with the instruc�on manual, maintenance instruc�ons, transporta�on instruc�ons or

  addi�onally, any mechanical damages; colour differences between the parts exposed and not exposed to

  sunlight; impact of chemicals or abrasive agents, atmospheric pollu�on and accidental puncture, the

  presence of spots or rings on the oily or colouring substances (fats, creams, lo�ons or oils); permanent

  staining of some colouring agents, such as: ink, permanent markers or other non-colorfast dyes used in the

  produc�on of clothing (for example: blue jeans).

5. The Purchaser shall lose their guarantee rights if: the Seller discovers that during the guarantee period,

  the equipment was repaired outside the authorised service; any design modifica�ons were introduced

  thereto without the Seller's consent; the equipment was s�ll used following the disclosure of a

  construc�onal defect.

6. In cases provided for in point 5, irrespec�ve of the loss of guarantee rights, HABYS Sp. z o.o. shall not be

  responsible for any damage to property or person which might be caused by opera�on of such equipment.

7. Defects or damages to the structure of the equipment resul�ng from the equipment itself, disclosed

  during the guarantee period, shall be removed free of charge within 14 days of submission of the

  equipment to the Seller or authorised service. Costs of transporta�on shall be borne by the Purchaser,

  if complaint is jus�fied.

8. In order to enjoy guarantee rights, it shall be necessary to fulfill the following four condi�ons jointly:

a) Produc�on of an invoice or other proof of equipment purchase by the Purchaser;

b) Repor�ng the fault within 14 days of disclosure thereof;

c) Sending back the damaged equipment in an original packaging.

9. The guarantee period shall be extended by the guarantee repair �me, counted from the date of delivering

  the equipment to the Seller or authorised service to the day on which the equipment is made available

  to the Purchaser to recover.

10. Iden�fica�on of the manner and necessary scope of the repair shall be the responsibility of the Seller

  or authorised service.

11. The Purchaser shall be en�tled to, at their discre�on, the right to claim equipment replacement or

  reimbursement of the price paid if:

a) The Seller has not enabled the Purchaser to recover the equipment repaired within 14 days of the

  Purchaser's delivering the equipment to the Seller or authorised service.

b) Within the guarantee period, four repairs have been made and the equipment s�ll reveals defects

  making it impossible to operate it in compliance with its des�na�on.

12. Equipment replacement or reimbursement of the price paid shall require the Seller's consent each �me.

13. The Seller shall not undertake responsibility for damages to the equipment aroused during

  transporta�on by a forwarding company. It is the Purchaser's obliga�on to inspect the technical condi�on

  of the equipment upon the recep�on thereof.

14. If transporta�on was commissioned by the Seller and the goods have been demaged, the Purchaser is

  obligated to: a) let the Seller know in 3 day �me from the date of delivery about any demages of   

  equipment, which happened during transporta�on in order to enable the Seller to file a complaint with the  

  forwarding company. b) provide the Seller protocol of complaint which is wri�en between the Purchaser  

  and transporta�on company.

15. Terms of guarantee contained herein shall be the sole and original terms of guarantee for Habys


16. The warranty period is: construc�on 36 months, upholstery 24 months.


Содержание Klekosiad ERGO Pro

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Страница 16: ...intang Industrial Co Ltd Linsheng Road No 136 Tinglin Town Jinshan District Shanghai China Made in China Authorized Representa ve HABYS Sp z o o ul Produkcyjna 16 38 200 Jas o tel 48 13 44 62 788 biur...
