Habasit Italiana S.p.A.
Via del Lavoro 50
– Cordignano (TV)
Tel.: +39 0438 9113
Fax: +39 0438 912374
Use and maintenance manual
Page 9 of 20
Replaces: 06/2013
6 Welding of round belts
Procedure: refer to the Habasit Polycord joint guide.
Cut thermoplastic round belt to length at right angles with cutting device S-16 (available
accessories). Refer to the Habasit guide to determine belt length
Lock locking spring [3] in appropriate position.
Open guiding tongs [5] and secure them by closing the bracket [4].
Open guide heads [11] by turning the knurled nuts [12].
Introduce belt ends laterally into guide heads [11] and let ends protrude 2÷4 mm / 0,08÷0,16
depending on diameter (larger diameters to protrude more).
Fix belt ends by turning knurled nuts [12].
Fix belt without twisting, i.e. according to its „inner disposition“!
Introduce welder [2] with heating plate [1] between guide heads 11].
Free securing bracket [4] and carefully close guiding tongs [5].
Let belt ends melt until the bead measures about 1-2 mm / 0,04-0,08
, depending on belt
Then block the handles of the guiding tongs [5], by hand, so that the guiding tongs [5] can not close
any further. This makes the belt ends stay in contact with the heating plate but without pressure
(about 5-10 s, depending on the diameter of the belt). This permits the belt ends to melt to the core
without further enlarging the bead.
Accidental contact between the belt and hot blade surface may generate fumes harmful
to health.
Do not inhale vapours generated during welding. Only weld thermoplastic belts in
suitably aerated rooms!
The installation of suitable exhaust devices and/or personal protection equipment must
be assessed by the user based on work site characteristics and current local laws
Slightly open the guiding tongs [5] by pressing the handles.
Pull out the welder [2] and place it on a flat table. At the same time, carefully close guiding tongs [5]
(joining the two melted sections).
Do not touch the hot zone of the welder!
Keep device away from water and meltable substances.
Let joint cool in guiding tongs [5] for about 1-2 min.
Open Guide head [11] by loosening the knurled nuts [12] and remove joined belt.
Open guiding tongs [5] and lock securing bracket [4].
Whenever the welder is not in use, pull out mains plug.
Remove bead with pliers, file or grinding disk.
After use, disconnect the welder from the power supply and allow it to cool completely
before storing it.