When you disconnect a PC from the device, first remove the RJ-45 connector and then remove
the DB-9 connector as a best practice.
If the PC does not have an RS-232 interface but has an USB port, use a USB-to-RS-232 adapter
to connect the console cable. You must also install the corresponding driver program.
Configure terminal parameters
, use a terminal emulator program, such as HyperTerminal or PuTTY to connect
the configuration terminal to the device.
Figure 1 Connecting the PC to the device
Configure the terminal parameters as follows:
Bits per second
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
Log in to the device
Power on the device. The following information appears on the terminal screen:
System is starting...
Booting Normal Extend BootWare.
System application is starting...
Startup configuration file does not exist.
User interface con0 is available.
Press ENTER to get started.
After the device self-test finishes, press
to access the CLI.
Log in from the Web interface
About this task
For users to configure and maintain network devices, the device provides a Web interface.
The device is enabled with HTTP and HTTPS services by default. Both the default login username
and password are
Console port
Console cable