Will you backup the Basic BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Begin to backup the Basic BootWare……………….Done!
Will you backup the Extend BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Begin to backup the Extend BootWare……………….Done!
Restoring BootWare
To restore the backup BootWare from the Flash memory, select
from the BootWare main menu and
follow the instructions:
Will you restore the Basic BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Begin to restore Normal Basic BootWare...Done!
Will you restore the Extend BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Begin to restore Normal Extend BootWare....Done!
Backing up and restoring BootWare at the CLI
To back up and restore BootWare of the access control engine, use the
command. The
switching engine does not support this operation.
Backing up BootWare
<H3C>bootrom backup all
Now backuping bootrom, please wait...
Backup bootrom completed!
The entire BootWare has been backed up in the Flash memory.
<H3C>bootrom backup part
Now backuping bootrom, please wait...
Backup bootrom completed!
The extended BootWare has been backed up in the Flash memory.
Restoring BootWare
<H3C>bootrom restore all
This command will restore bootrom file, Continue? [Y/N]:y
Now restoring bootrom, please wait...
Restore bootrom completed!
The entire BootWare section has been restored.
<H3C>bootrom restore part
This command will restore bootrom file, Continue? [Y/N]:y
Now restoring bootrom, please wait...
Restore bootrom completed!
The extended BootWare section has been restored.