Figure 3-25
Ground the device through the AC PE wire
(1) Power transformer
(2) AC power receptacle
(3) Grounding screw
(4) Three-core AC power cable
(5) PE wire
If the device is –48 VDC powered, you can ground it through the return wire (RTN) of the DC power
supply. Make sure that the RTN wire is well grounded at the DC output of the DC power cabinet.
Figure 3-26
Ground the device through the PGND of a power cabinet
(1) AC/DC power cabinet
(2) –48 V busbar
(3) -48 V
(4) RTN busbar
(5) RTN
(6) PGND busbar
(7) Earth ground
(8) PGND cable
(9) Grounding screw
(10) DC power receptacle
The WX3010 and WX3008 do not support DC power input.