Preparing for installation
Hardware requirements
To install VCF Neutron plug-ins on a server or a virtual machine, make sure the server or virtual
machine meets the hardware requirements in
Table 1 Hardware requirements
Memory size
Disk space
Single-core and multicore
2 GB and above
5 GB and above
Software requirements
shows the software requirements for installing the VCF Neutron plug-ins.
Table 2 Software requirements
Item Supported
OpenStack Juno 2014.2 operates on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
SP3 (x86_64)
Before you install the Neutron plug-ins, make sure the following requirements are met:
Your system has Internet access because the system must first access the Internet to set up the
installation environment.
Make sure the OpenStack environment is deployed correctly. For example, the
file on
all nodes has the host name-IP address mappings. For information about the OpenStack
environment deployment, see the installation guide for the specific OpenStack version on the
official website.