[RouterA-dhcp-pool-0] quit
Verifying the configuration
# Verify that Router B can obtain an IP address on subnet and the corresponding PXE
server addresses from Router A. (Details not shown.)
# On the DHCP server, display the IP addresses assigned to the clients.
[RouterA] display dhcp server ip-in-use
IP address Client identifier/ Lease expiration Type
Hardware address aabb-aabb-ab01 Jan 14 22:25:03 2015 Auto(C)
Example: Configuring DHCP server (WLAN
Network configuration
As shown in
, the DHCP server (Device) assigns an IP address, the AC address, a gateway
address, and a DNS server address to the AP. Configure the DHCP server as follows:
Create an address pool, specify the subnet, and configure the address lease
duration as ten days.
Specify the gateway address and the DNS server address as and
Configure Option 43. Specify the AC address as The formats of Option 43 and the
PXE server address sub-option are shown in
. The value of Option 43
configured on the DHCP server in this example is 80 07 00 00 01 0A 01 01 03.
The number 80 is the value of the sub-option type.
The number 07 is the value of the sub-option length.
The numbers 00 00 are the value of the PXE server type.
The number 01 indicates the number of servers.
The numbers 0A 01 01 03 indicate that the IP address of the AC is
To avoid address conflicts, exclude the IP addresses and of the gateway and
the AC from dynamic allocation.
Figure 38 Network diagram