Min SD delay: 7 Min DS delay: 7
Number of SD delay: 410 Number of DS delay: 410
Sum of SD delay: 3705 Sum of DS delay: 3891
Square-Sum of SD delay: 45987 Square-Sum of DS delay: 49393
SD lost packets: 0 DS lost packets: 0
Lost packets for unknown reason: 0
SNMP operation configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in
, configure an SNMP operation to test the time the NQA client uses to get a
response from the SNMP agent.
Figure 13
Network diagram
Configuration procedure
Assign each interface an IP address. (Details not shown.)
Configure static routes or a routing protocol to make sure the devices can reach each other.
(Details not shown.)
Configure the SNMP agent (Device B):
# Set the SNMP version to
<DeviceB> system-view
[DeviceB] snmp-agent sys-info version all
# Set the read community to
[DeviceB] snmp-agent community read public
# Set the write community to
[DeviceB] snmp-agent community write private
Configure Device A:
# Create an SNMP operation.
<DeviceA> system-view
[DeviceA] nqa entry admin test1
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1] type snmp
# Configure as the destination IP address of the SNMP operation.
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1-snmp] destination ip
# Enable the saving of history records.
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1-snmp] history-record enable
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1-snmp] quit
# Start the SNMP operation.
[DeviceA] nqa schedule admin test1 start-time now lifetime forever
# After the SNMP operation runs for a period of time, stop the operation.
[DeviceA] undo nqa schedule admin test1