The tank-mounting method varies by tank width. When you mount the switch in a tank with a width of
23 inches, remove the slide rails and use mounting brackets and tank-mount adapters to mount the
Figure2-2 Mounting the switch in a tank with a width of 23 inches
When you mount the switch in a tank with a width of 21 inches, remove the tank-mount adapters and
use only mounting brackets to mount the switch.
Figure2-3 Mounting the switch in a tank with a width of 21 inches
Tank-mounting requirements
Figure2-4 S6850-56HF-IM chassis dimensions
(1) Slide rail
(2) Tank-mount adapter
shows the required installation accessories when you install the switch in a tank with
different widths.
Table2-1 Required installation accessories when you install the switch in a tank with
different widths
Switch model
Required installation accessories
Tank width
Mounting brackets
21 inches
Mounting brackets and tank-mount
23 inches
For more information about tanks, see
H3C Immersion Cooling System User Guide
Remove the slide rails
Attach a hook to
each mounting
Hang the switch
over the tank
Gently mount the
switch in the tank
Fasten the
captive screws
on the mounting
brackets to
secure the switch
Remove the tank-
mount adapters and
mounting brackets
Attach mounting
brackets to the
Hang the switch
over the tank
Gently mount the
switch in the tank
Fasten the
captive screws
on the mounting
brackets to
secure the switch
Attach a hook to
each mounting