# Add all ports used for BFD MAD to the VLAN, including Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1,
Twenty-FiveGigE 2/0/1, Twenty-FiveGigE 3/0/1, and Twenty-FiveGigE 4/0/1.
[IRF-vlan1000] port twenty-fivegige 1/0/1 twenty-fivegige 2/0/1 twenty-fivegige
3/0/1 twenty-fivegige 4/0/1
[IRF-vlan3] quit
# Create VLAN-interface 1000, and configure a MAD IP address for each member device on
the interface.
[IRF] interface vlan-interface 1000
[IRF-Vlan-interface1000] mad bfd enable
[IRF-Vlan-interface1000] mad ip address 24 member 1
[IRF-Vlan-interface1000] mad ip address 24 member 2
[IRF-Vlan-interface1000] mad ip address 24 member 3
[IRF-Vlan-interface1000] mad ip address 24 member 4
[IRF-Vlan-interface1000] quit
# Disable the spanning tree feature on the ports in the BFD MAD VLAN.
[IRF] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/1
[IRF-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] undo stp enable
[IRF-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] quit
[IRF] interface twenty-fivegige 2/0/1
[IRF-Twenty-FiveGigE2/0/1] undo stp enable
[IRF-Twenty-FiveGigE2/0/1] quit
[IRF] interface twenty-fivegige 3/0/1
[IRF-Twenty-FiveGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable
[IRF-Twenty-FiveGigE3/0/1] quit
[IRF] interface twenty-fivegige 4/0/1
[IRF-Twenty-FiveGigE4/0/1] undo stp enable
[IRF-Twenty-FiveGigE4/0/1] quit
Configure the intermediate device:
# Create VLAN 1000 (BFD MAD VLAN).
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] vlan 1000
# Add all ports used for BFD MAD to the VLAN, including Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1,
Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/2, Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/3, and Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/4.
[Sysname-vlan1000] port twenty-fivegige 1/0/1 twenty-fivegige 1/0/2 twenty-fivegige
1/0/3 twenty-fivegige 1/0/4
[Sysname-vlan3] quit
Configuring network connectivity settings
This example only contains network connectivity configuration for Department B and Department C.
The core router configuration does not include the connection to the public network.
Configure Router A:
# Create VLANs 40 and 42.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] vlan 40
[RouterA-vlan40] quit
[RouterA] vlan 42
[RouterA-vlan42] quit
# Create Bridge-Aggregation 40, and set its link aggregation mode to dynamic.