Collecting diagnostic log messages
Save the diagnostic log messages from the diagnostic log file buffer to a diagnostic log file.
By default, the diagnostic log file is saved in the
directory of the flash memory on each
member device.
<Sysname> diagnostic-logfile save
The contents in the diagnostic log file buffer have been saved to the file
Identify the diagnostic log file on each member device:
# Display the diagnostic log file on the master device.
<Sysname> dir flash:/diagfile/
Directory of flash:/diagfile
0 -rw- 161321 Jul 11 2015 16:16:00 diagfile.log
251904 KB total (147468 KB free)
# Display the diagnostic log file on each subordinate device (subordinate device 2 for example):
<Sysname> dir slot2#flash:/diagfile/
Directory of slot2#flash:/diagfile
0 -rw- 161321 Jul 11 2015 16:16:00 diagfile.log
251904 KB total (147468 KB free)
Transfer the files to the desired destination by using FTP, TFTP, or USB. (Details not shown.)
Collecting operating statistics
You can collect operating statistics by saving the statistics to a file or displaying the statistics on the
When you collect operating statistics, follow these guidelines:
Log in to the device through a network port or management port (if any) instead of the console
port as long as possible. Network and management ports are faster than the console port.
Do not execute commands during operating statistics collection.
As a best practice to ensure information completeness, save the statistics to a file.
The amount of time to collect statistics increases along with the number of IRF member devices.
To collect operating statistics:
Collect operating statistics for multiple feature modules.
<Sysname> display diagnostic-information
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N] :
At the prompt, choose to save or display operating statistics:
# To save operating statistics, enter
at the prompt and then specify the destination file path.
Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N] :y
Please input the file name(*.tar.gz)
[flash:/diag_Sysname_20160101-000704.tar.gz] :flash:/diag.tar.gz
Diagnostic information is outputting to flash:/diag.tar.gz.
Please wait...
Save successfully.