Installing fan trays
Follow these restrictions and guidelines when you install a fan tray:
Fan trays cover fabric module slots. Before installing a fan tray, install fabric modules or filler
panels in the fabric module slots that the fan tray will cover.
The device comes with the FAN1 and FAN5 slots installed with filler panels and the FAN2 to
FAN4 slots empty. To ensure adequate heat dissipation, make sure all fan trays slots are
installed with fan trays.
Before installing a fan tray in the FAN1 or FAN5 slot, remove the filler panel from the slot.
The fan tray is hot swappable. Follow these guidelines when you replace a fan tray:
Ensure electricity safety.
To prevent dust and ensure adequate heat dissipation, keep the old fan tray in the chassis
until a new fan tray is ready to be installed. As a best practice, finish replacing a fan tray
within 3 minutes.
When you hot-swap a fan tray, the remaining fan tray automatically increases the rotation
speed and makes louder noise. Take protection measures such as wearing an earmuff or
Long-time exposure to strong air flow might cause discomfort. To avoid this hazard, do not
stand close to the air outlet vents when the device is operating. If you must be next to the
device on the air outlet vent side for an extended period, avoid the air flow or take
protective measures.
Installing a fan tray
The following procedure installs a fan tray in the FAN2 slot.
To install a fan tray:
, orient the fan tray with the side marked "TOP" facing up
and pivot up the fan tray handles to make them perpendicular to the fan tray.
, hold the fan tray handles and slide the fan tray along the
guide rails into the slot.
, fasten the captive screws (to a torque of 5 kgf-cm/0.49
Nm as a best practice) on the fan tray.
Pivot down the fan tray handles to be sure that they hold firmly on the fan tray.