[CEa1-Vlan-interface11] ip address 24
[CEa1-Vlan-interface11] quit
# Configure PE 1, P, PE 2, and CE a2 in the same way CE a1 is configured. (Details not shown.)
Configure a unicast routing protocol and basic MPLS VPN on all devices so that all devices are
interoperable at the network layer. (Details not shown.)
For more information about configuring basic MPLS VPN, see
MPLS Configuration Guide
Enable IP multicast routing on the public network, and enable PIM-SM on the public network
interfaces (including Loopback interfaces):
# On PE 1, enable IP multicast routing, and enable PIM-SM on the public network interfaces.
[PE1] multicast routing
[PE1-mrib] quit
[PE1] interface vlan-interface 2
[PE1-Vlan-interface2] pim sm
[PE1-Vlan-interface2] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] pim sm
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
# On P, enable IP multicast routing, and enable PIM-SM on the public network interfaces.
[P] multicast routing
[P-mrib] quit
[P] interface vlan-interface 2
[P-Vlan-interface2] pim sm
[P-Vlan-interface2] quit
[P] interface vlan-interface 3
[P-Vlan-interface3] pim sm
[P-Vlan-interface3] quit
[P] interface loopback 1
[P-LoopBack1] pim sm
[P-LoopBack1] quit
# Configure Loopback 1 as a C-BSR and a C-RP.
[P] pim
[P-pim] c-bsr
[P-pim] c-rp
[P-pim] quit
# On PE 2, enable IP multicast routing, and enable PIM-SM on the public network interfaces.
[PE2] multicast routing
[PE2-mrib] quit
[PE2] interface vlan-interface 3
[PE2-Vlan-interface3] pim sm
[PE2-Vlan-interface3] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] pim sm
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
Enable IP multicast routing for the VPN instance, enable PIM-SM on the private network interfaces,
and enable IGMP on interfaces that have receiver hosts attached:
# On CE a1, enable IP multicast routing, and enable PIM-SM on each interface.