The grounding cable and power cord are securely connected.
The power source meets the power specifications of the device.
Accessing the router
Using a console cable to connect the router to a configuration
Setting up the configuration environment
When you connect a PC to a powered-on router, first connect the DB-9 connector of the console
cable to the PC, and then connect the RJ-45 connector to the router.
To connect a configuration terminal to the router by using a console cable:
Select a configuration terminal, which can be a character terminal with an RS-232 serial port, or
a PC.
Plug the DB-9 female connector of the console cable into the serial port on the configuration
terminal and the RJ-45 connector into the console port on the router.
Setting terminal parameters
To configure and manage the router through the console port, you must run a terminal emulator
program, TeraTermPro or PuTTY, on your configuration terminal. You can use the emulator program
to connect a network device, a Telnet site, or an SSH site. For more information about the terminal
emulator programs, see the user guides for these programs.
The following are the required terminal settings:
Bits per second
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
Powering on the router
Locate the power switch of the power supply system before powering on the router so you can
quickly shut power off when an electrical accident occurs.
To power on the router:
Power on the router
Verify the following items:
The LEDs on the front panel are normal. For the LED description, see "Appendix B LEDs."
The configuration terminal displays information normally.
System is Starting....
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