H3C MSR 20/30/50 Series Routers User Manual
Chapter 5 Software Maintenance
| <2> Enter Serial SubMenu |
| <3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu |
| <4> File Control |
| <5> Modify Bootrom Password |
| <6> Ignore System Configuration |
| <7> Boot Rom Operation Menu |
| <8> Clear Super Password |
| <9> Device Operation |
| <a> Reboot |
Enter your choice(1-a):4
The system reboots. Enter <4> when it prompts the above information.
========================<File CONTROL>=======================
|Note:the operating device is CF Card |
| <1> Display All File |
| <2> Set Application File type |
| <3> Set Configuration File type |
| <4> Delete File |
| <5> Exit To Main Menu |
Enter your choice(1-5):2
Enter the file control submenu and enter <2> to set the application file type.
Please set application file type in cf:
NO. Size(B) Time Type Name
0 15561860 Jul-10-2006 14:14 N cf:/main.bin
Enter File Name:cf:/main.bin
Select the application program as the main boot file, and enter its complete path and
file name.
Modify this file Attribute:
1. +Main
2. -Main
3. +Backup
4. -Backup
5. Exit
Enter your choice(1-5):1
Enter "
" to set the selected application program to be the main boot file, i.e. the default
boot file of the system.