Installation Manual
H3C AR 18-22-24 Router
Chapter 3 Configuring and
Maintaining the Router
The “Do not check the version of the software” option is used
for backward compatibility purpose during upgrade. Your
upgrade attempt may fail even if you select the correct
software version (the system prompts you with “invalid
version” message at this time). If you are experiencing this,
you can select this option to have the system skip version
check during upgrade. This option, however, works only
once; the system checks software version all the same at
3.2.2 Upgrading Software through XModem
When upgrading software through XModem, you can simply use
the console port without building up another configuration
I. Upgrading the application program
Step 1: Enter Boot menu and press <1>. The following download
speeds are available with the router:
Downloading application program from serial ...
Please choose your download speed:
1: 9600 bps
2: 19200 bps
3: 38400 bps
4: 57600 bps
5: 115200 bps
6: Exit and reboot
Enter your choice(1-6):
Step 2: Select an appropriate download speed, <5> for 115200
bps for example. The console screen displays: