LCD show s '100', LCD will keep flashing, into boiling water. When Set the boiling water for 100
, the water must be
In the process of boiling water, press '+' or '-', you can reset the temperature. When set temperature is higher than the
actual water temperature, continue to boil water; When the actual water temperature is up to the set temperature, the
heating tube will not work, and electronic board start the time, about 2 minutes later, LED no display, which means the
kettle back to standby.
When water is finished boiling, the heat pipe stop working, electronic board start timing, about 2 minutes later, LCD no
display, the kettle back to standby. If in 2 minutes, press 'I/O' key, LCD no display, the kettle back to standby. If press
'+' or '-' key, and don’t press 'I/O' again, electronic board start timing, about10 seconds later, LCD without any display.
If press '+' or '-’, and press 'I/O' again, electronic board will reset the work.
2. Insulation functions
Open the lid and full water (not more than the maximum water level 1. 8 L and cannot be less than minimum water
level 0. 8 L), then put on the lid..
Connected the power, the pot body into the power base. Now nothing appear in LCD , which means the kettle is on
standby .When the kettle on standby, only can use the'I/O', you can use '+' and '-' buttons.
Highest heat preservation temperature can only be set at 90
: when the set temperature and actual water
temperature is higher than 90
, then press '
'button will not work; When '
' button has been pressed, and set the
water temperature as 90
, and then press '+' button will not work.
Method 1: firstly, press '+' or '-', LCD show 40
, then press '+' or '-' button and set heat preservation temperature,
press '
' keep warm Button, and then press 'I/O' again, LCD and the
sign under the LCD on right keep flashing.
The kettle is into the preservation and began to boil water. At this time, if not press 'I/O', LCD and and the dot under
the LCD on right will not flash, after 10 seconds, the LCD no display, kettle back to standby.
Method 2: you can press '
' , and then press the ' + 'or ' - ' button and set preservation temperature, and then push
the 'I/O' heat preservation, LCD and the
sign under the LCD on right keep flashing, The kettle is into the
preservation and began to boil water.
In the process of boiling water, press '+' or '-', can reset the heat preservation temperature. When set temperature is
higher than the actual water temperature, continue to boil water; When the actual water temperature is up to the set
temperature, the heating tube will not work, and electronic board start the time, about 4 hour later, LCD no display,
which means the kettle back to standby. When, after LCD no display, the kettle back to standby mode.
When the boiling water temperature is up to the set temperature, then heat pipes stop working, and the kettle began to
heat preservation.
When the water temperature lower than the set temperature, heat pipes began to heat and up to setting temperature,
and LCD and the
sign under the LCD on right keep flashing. When the water temperature is equal to or higher
than the set temperature, the heat pipe does not work, in the insulation state, LCD and the
sign under the LCD on
right will not flash, and repeat.
In the process of heat preservation, if press
key to exit heat preservation function, return to boil water.
When entered into the state of thermal insulation, electronic board start time, about 4 hour later, the LCD no display,
then the kettle back to standby Within an hour, press 'I/O', LCD no display, the kettle back to standby.
1. Please unplug the power plug and let the pot become
cool before cleaning.