Key Competitive Features
Feature Benefit
Real Time Operating System (RTOS)
QNX is a compact, efficient OS that offers Deterministic
Behavior. This means that the Application running is in
control, not the OS. Consequently, there is less chance
of missed tasks, such as dropped frames or reduced
Dual Data Storage
The OS plus the Application software occupies only a
few MB’s, so both can be stored on non-volatile Flash
Memory. This architecture allows for separate storage of
the control software from the Video data on the Hard
Disk. It is more reliable because if the Hard drive gets
corrupted or fails, the control system remains intact.
Wavelet Compression
State of the art compression method reduces picture
size with fewer artifacts compared to JPEG.
High Performance Recording
540 lines of Horizontal resolution is superior to any VHS
tape solution. Retains the full quality of original source.
Also, DVMS allows true, Real Time 60 field per second
recording. Many PC based DVRs can only record time
lapse, at only 10 fps.
Scalable Resolution
Programmable compression ratios from 35:1 to 10:1.
User can program different compression rates for time
lapse or alarm/motion events. This maximizes disk
Separate storage of T. Lapse and Motion Events
Drives can be partitioned, allocating a certain amount of
space reserved for both Events and Time Lapse
recording. This is handy when the Time Lapse partition
fills up, and you don’t want the Event space used. The
Time Lapse partition can be loop recorded, erasing
oldest clips first and not disturbing the Event partition.
Leverages Existing CCTV Equipment
Use your existing CCTV cameras, monitors, quads or
Multiplexers. This reduces upgrade costs, and does not
obsolesce existing equipment.
Audio Recording at all speeds
Voice grade audio recording can be enabled along with
recorded video. Single channel recording for both DVMS
400 & 100.
Optional Removable Primary Storage
If the Primary drive is ordered as removable, then the
original media can be easily moved or replaced with a
new one. This is particularly useful if the original media
has to be confiscated (evidentiary). By plugging in a new
removable hard drive, DVMS is operational within
minutes. Most DVRs have fixed primary storage; if the
original media has to be confiscated, the entire DVR is
taken or is rendered inoperable.