GVP A530 Turbo Скачать руководство пользователя страница 29

Содержание A530 Turbo

Страница 1: ...AffiffiJHEii AHigh Polvgr Hard Disk Drive Accelentor and nAMSuhsystem torthe Amigf 500 ...

Страница 2: ...l r E ft b qffi A530 o Accelerator for the AmtgaASOO rl A530 Turbo ...

Страница 3: ...of Motorcla lrrc Allottrcr product trade namesand deslgna onsare used br lllustraflve purposes 0nly and are In no way endorsemcnts of those productsor lnfilngementson the copyrlghted properdesof thelr manuhcfurers Amlga A5OOandA53Oarhrork InctudedIn thls mantnl was drawn by Bndle N LthMn 920016 0t I I I I r I I I tI I t I I TABLE OFCONTENTS 1 lntroductlon lRgadyl r r r I G ef flngStor l gd r 3 2 A...

Страница 4: ...lonrecdver Changethe rclatlveposltlonsof the GVPequlpmentand the radlo or teleMslonrecelver Plugthe GVPequlpment Into a dlfferentoutlet so that the pedpherd and radloor televlslonrecelverareon dlfferentclrcults CAUTTON Only equlpment wlth shleld grouncledcables computer lnput output clevlces termlnals prlnters etc certlflerl to comply wlth ClassB llmlts can be attachcd to thls devlce Operatlon wlt...

Страница 5: ... Processing Unit and optional40 MHz 68882Floating Point Unit chipsto maximizesystemthroughput Up to 8 Megabytes of onboard32 bit wideFASTRAM usingGVP s60 nanosecond l or 4 Mcgabyte SIMM 32 memoryexprruionmodulesfor easy installrtion GVP satrtobootingDMA SCSIcontrollerwith Faaast ROM andFaaastPrep SCSIsoftware technology GVP custonrMini SIot providesfutureexpansion pos sibilitiesthrough the additio...

Страница 6: ...f this manual will describe the sinrple procedurcs for gctting this system rrp and running in thc leastamount of time In subsequentchapters we will describe in detail how to add memory a 68882 rnath chip and option rl Mini Slot cxpansiol r board to your 4530 subsystem We also provide complcte documentation on the included softrvarcutilities An accompanying Faaa stPrep 2 0 manual contains everythin...

Страница 7: ...bladed scrcwdrivcr r 2 I I I I T il r 2 3 4 Figarc 2 2 A530plnccnunt Setthc A530 down next to the A 500and align its con ncctor with the computer sexpansionbay Inside the Amiga is a motherboard Bus corinector This matches the sockct like card edgc connectoron theA530 Slidethc 4530 into thc Amiga s expansion bay taking careto corrcctly align the matching connectors There is only one way this canbe ...

Страница 8: ...lwo odopb0 wlll terull In on unrloble clecfrlcol ground of ltn cllcull bootd Ihls moy coure ilorc domogn to lhe AEt0 lu6o unll ond ol fhc Arnbo A50l When thccc stepshave been successfullycomplctcd your Turbo eccclentcdAmigaisrerdy to runt Fig re 2 3 Conplead nsvmhly 5 Rcconnectthe power andperipheraldevicecablesto your computerand attachthe A530 Turbo s separate power supplycablc Allgnmcnt Nolch I...

Страница 9: ...heir own automaticinstallation routines You should alwayolct these programr do the work for you slnccthey will oftcn automatically crcercnew dircctoriec makc arcigrrmentrandcvencdit your stertup I I I T I I I I r r r r sequencc Allowing a programto installitselfis the safest wayto ensure that evcrytlr ing cndsup in itscorrectdestination Othcr progranrs can be copiedeven morc simply This can be acc...

Страница 10: ...mode In this casc it performsessentially the samcfunction asthc hardwareTurbo switch It disables theAS30 accelerator andrenrmsyourA500 to 68000proccssor control TasiFrep manual Rcfer I I I I I I I I I I r I NOTE When GVPCpuClrlls used to disoble the A530 Turbo occelerotor oll exponslonmemoryond hord dlsk resourceswlll be cwltchedoffos well In thlsmode yourA500wlll be oble to useonly Iteown lnstoll...

Страница 11: ...hic form of the commandwill poll all known deviccsconnectedto thc SCSIbuc and artemptto mount anyncw or changcdvolumcsit finds such a case might occuru len iruerting e ncw SyQucrtcartridgsinto aprcviously emptydrive GVPScSICfiI T Thic form of tlrc commanddiffersfrom thc abovcin that it is ablc to recognizc hard drivcs or othcr devicesthat were not prescnt at startup An examplcmlght be a largc capa...

Страница 12: ...or the specifieddevicc I I I I I I T I t rI I t UsingGVPScsiCfrl To maximizntheefficiency of your GVP SCSIsystem we recommend addingthe following linesto your computer sstartupscript for executioncverytime you reboot If you areusingversion2 04 or later of Kickstart Workbench thcn we recommendplacingthem toward the end of the ftles Uscr Stnrtr2 If you arestill using KSr WB I 3 thcyshould be addeclt...

Страница 13: ...om Shellor CLI as GVPlnfo SPEED return the Spccd option will run a performanceteston your main procecsor chipsanddisplaythe result Up adlnElto Klckstart iforkbench 2 O The GVP A530 supportsAmigaDOS operating systemsoftware versions1 3 and2 0 If you arestill using Kickstart Workbench1 3 whcnyou installthc A530 system you canalways upgradeto version 2 0 at anytime thereafter Everythingyou will needt...

Страница 14: ...ll bc described below Wc will alsodiscuss how to addexternalharddrivesto yourA530 s SCSIcontrollcr This operiltiondoesnot requireanydisassembly at all WARNINC Reod lhe followlng proceduresIn ihelr enllrcty before ottcmptlng to pedorm the Inslolloflons TheA530wor deslgncd to be eoslly upgroded but ll doos conloln dcllcqle componenlr lhol qre susceploblclo domoge from elcclroslollc or phyrlcolchock ...

Страница 15: ... cost effective relativclyrugged componentwith a very high degreeof reliability They aremuch casier to installthanrnostsingle chip rrrangemcnts A GVP SIMM32 consistsof eight tiny memorychipsmounted on a singlesmdl printed circtrit board All of the comection points for the mcmorychipsarearraycdalongone edgeof the SIMM and matewidr the contactsof a matchingSIMM socketon the A530 circuit board The A5...

Страница 16: ... sockets CNfg and CN2O arc used in ordcr from rearmost to foremost RAMconflgunllon fumpelr cNr9 cN20 Figan 5 5 Sockct ortrngemcnt on 4530 r 2 Loweredge ot SIMM wtlh contacts seofs lnlo gtoove of S1MMEocket gMM is lhcn pivoted bock and snaped behind locking ta0aon SiMMgockcL SIMMSockel TeneionSpring wlth Locotortob locklng lob Locolorlob llts into hole in SIMM SIMMcorectly In olled 22 Ghopter 5 Fig...

Страница 17: ...tote toword E tx lig iE til y SIMMsnctps into ploce Slep5b Siide Vlew These tabs sccure the SIMM into position and ensure propcr contact betrvecnthe SIMM and socket conncctors Rcpeat this procedure for any other SIMMs you wish to install at this timc You must now set the mcmory configurrtion iumpers as described in Table 5 I These tcll the A530 whether RAM is installed and rvhat typc of SIMM is in...

Страница 18: ...7 Wffi W lll ffi Rffi Addlngl inl lot ExpansionGards The A530 Turbo accelerator includes GVP s custom Mini Slot for additional internal expansion possibilities It is extremcly easyto install a Mini Slot expansion card l lVith the crse open locate the two rows of upright pins directly adjacent the 4530 s bus comector Figarc 5 9 Mini Slot locotion 2 All proclucts compatiblewith the GVP Mini Slot wil...

Страница 19: ...s make available to computer users far greater amounts of data storage than conventional floppy disla They are also much faster at finding and rclafng data than floppy drives SCSI is not limited to hard disks holever Equipment manutrcturers have produccd SCSI document scAnners printers CD ROM drive s and tape backup trnits Buedynamico The SCSIbusis a high speed trvo waycommrrnications channel bctw...

Страница 20: ... hrrd drive or consultwith your GVP dealer Another requircmcntof the SCSIbusis that it must be clectrically tcrnrinirtcdon cachend Most SCSIdevices rvill havesolneureans of installing or applyingresistorsto electricallyterminatethc bus connectors Ifseveraldevicesarcattachcdtogcthcr in daisychain fashion then both thc first and last units in the chain must bc terminated but anyterminatingresistors ...

Страница 21: ...ch Wheneveryou movethe A530 accelerator s Turbo switchto its OFF position you aredisablingthe 68EC030processor and high speed 32 bit databrrs Whenthis is done you alsodisconnect anyRAM rcsources that maybepresentanddisable the harddrivc r I T t I I Tl r I I I I Addlng a 68882 Math GoprocGssor In the intcrest of economy A530 Turbo acceleratorsdo not include a MC68882 floating point coprocessor As m...

Страница 22: ...thirds back from the sIMM sockets toward the outboard edgc of thc A530 outboord is deterninert by orietting the A530 chossis suchthat thc exponsion bascunilector is elostst to 0 t Th Mini slot is direct inboorrl and the l roce or chips potyer cortilectorntd clockoseillotor tystnl are all outboard Mlnl Slot 68EC xn Chlp 68882 Socket SIMM Socketr Clock Osclllolor Fig ru 5 15 ASS0 circait booul lnyou...

Страница 23: ...the pins on the 68882 FPU are straight and tit them into the holes in thc FPU socket Pressevcnly stopping periodically to inspect your work and make srrrethat no pins are bent or missed thcir holes Continuc pressing until dre chip is ftrlly scatcd Fig tr 5 16 68882mnth chipinst Iletion 5 The 68882 math chip installationis now completc Reassemble the hard drive assembly using thc rcverseof the desc...

Страница 24: ...r and place it through the rear rectangular hole in the FCC shielcl reattach it to comector CNl4 WARNING Remcmber lo moke sure thot the fon ls correctly connectcd Ihe REDlcod goes to lhe pln on conneclor CNl4 morked wlth o plus SERIOUS DAMAGE WltL RESUIT lF IllE A53OISRUNWITHOUT A FUNCIIONINGCOOIING FAN 5 Lower the top cover straight clorvn into place If drc cover does not fit correctly makc sure ...

Страница 25: ... A530 Turbo accelerator s processor is a full 32 bit micro processor Its intcrnaldatarepresentation uses32 bit registers andit is connected to the othercomponents in thc A530 Turbo viaa 32 bit wide bus Datathat canbe exchanged betweenthe 68030 and any A530 components lihetbeFlontingPoint coproccssor nnd 32 bit wide RAM canbe movedin full 32 bit wordsprovidinga 2 to l increase in duoughput Gloclr S...

Страница 26: ...es In adclition to its basicprocessing machinery the Motorola 68030 chip contairu two temporary storage areascalled caches Thc most frecluendy used Instruction and Data memory locations are retained in thc sccaches reducing thc amount of time requircd to fetch thcir contcnts from extemal RAM rhc A530 Turbo usesMotorola s 68Ec030 a specialversion of the chip which docs not include the standard 6803...

Страница 27: ...ction and data cacheswhere necessary You will rccall that thc A530 Turbo accelerator usesan asynchronous clock rate l GVP providesa custom circuit to synchronizcall accecses to the Anrigr c proccssorbuc Opcrationcthat nccdn t lnterfaccwith the nrainAmiga bus cg cnlculotionsandfast RAM nd fcrs can be pcrforrncdat the nraximumspcedof the proccssor Opentionr rhct rcquirc coopcration from thc Amiga s ...

Страница 28: ...ways Therc include diffcrcnt populations of mcmory moduler rutomatic booting from Hard Dirk ctc All thcgc settingr arc accomplishcdthrough thc ure of fun1w piw nd Mry hhth ShodlngBloclc Jumper Ptrr Scrrttcrctl lround the board are a number of upright metal pins l lrc rc rlrc c nnection points for various open electrical circuits on the borrrl l o configure certain options you can install a shortin...

Страница 29: ...oclory Jumper Settings l hc 688C030 chip uscd with nrost 4530 Iurbo accclcratorsdocs trot hirvc a Mcnrory Managcnrcnr Unit Instcrd GVP provides alternatc nrcr rorynr rppingtcchnology It a 68030 with MMU is substituted lbr the 68IlC 30 tlris jrrnrpcr providcs a mcilns ol dis rbling that chip s NllULI l lris l caturc may bc of intcrest to solirvirrc clcvclopcrs rvho rctprirc r rrr rchinc rvithottt t...

Страница 30: ...n Undetno clt cumrlonce shouldo mochlne be powered up lf ll hqr shown evldence of electrlcol shortclrculllng Dolng so cctncoute lr reporobledomoge lo theA530Turbo yourAmlgo or both lVP canalsobe reached viaFAX at 2IS 337 9922or bypost at orrrU S mailingaddress GrcatVallcy Producs Inc 600 Clark Avc King of Prussia PA 19406 lnternal SGSIGonnector 5Gpln Header AcceptsstondordSCSI rlbboncobles 4 a 6 4...

Страница 31: ...untry Postol Code Telephone Number Product SerlolNurnber Revlslon Descrlbethe problem ln terms of symptomsond the condltlonsunderwhlch lt occurs Machlne Conflguratlon Amlgo Model MotherboordRevlslon Klckstort ROM Verslon WorkbenchVerslon Chlp Set Verslon Amlgo CPUInstolled Amlgo clock speed Hard Drlvcs Attached Llstthe UnltlDnumbers monufocturersond copoclfiesof oll hord drlvesottoched to yoursyst...

Страница 32: ...ingFanconncction 19 coPy Protection 9 CPUcommand f E Customcr Scrvicc 5t D daisychain 30 DCOFF opdon tbr GVPScsiCul 14 DCON option for GVPScsiCtrl 14 Disasscmbly 18 Disconnect Rcconnect I4 E E nhancer kit AmigaDOS 17 ExpansionB y 4 coverplatc 4 cover plate removal 4 Expansion Bus 5 Expansion card installation 28 F Factory Scttings 49 tanconnection 3 33 FanPorver Polarity 39 FanPowcrRcconnect 39 Fa...

Страница 33: ...FI 5 Ricohcartridge drive 12 Ngid Disk Block 14 32 ROM remapping l0 s s startup sequcncc 10 scanneru 29 scsl 29 busconncctions 3l Busdynamics 29 bustermination 3I pin assignmcnts 50 controllcr 43 Tcrminators 30 Unit IDs 30 Sclf configuring harddrive 8 SctCPU command 15 Scttings Factory 49 Rclbrence 46 Uscr 4 Sirrglc InlincMcrnory Module srMM l 2l Irutallation 22 rcckct lrrangcmcnt 23 Sockcu 22 sIM...

Страница 34: ...Y PRODUCTS 600CI ARK AVENUE KINGOTPRUSSIA PAfl406 u s A PHONT 215 337 En0 FAX 215 337 9922 A530 Turbo lsatradomark ofGroat ValryProducts lnc Amiga isar glstorod tndemart olCommodore Amiga Inc s g2 Gma Aby Pro l6 kE A qtlar rEd T GVP ...
