mega macs PC
13 Optional HGS Tools
The optional accessory devices (BPC-Tool) are required to use the
>Optional HGS Tools<
Here you can find an overview of the available HGS Tools.
>Optional HGS Tools<
menu contains functions with which additional hardware can be used. These are displayed
only if the additional hardware is connected to the device.
Battery Diagnostics
Here you can test a battery using the BPC-Tool or import a test result from the BPC-Tool into the Car History.
You are given an overview of the following functions:
>System test<
Here you can perform a system test using the BPC-Tool. The following is displayed during the system test:
– Battery test with battery state of charge and state of health
– Starter test with voltage and current intensity when starting the internal combustion engine
– Alternator test with voltage and current intensity when the power consumer is switched on and switched off
– Drain Current
>Import result (system test)<
Here you can import the most recent system test into the Car History.
>Battery test<
Here you can perform a battery test using the BPC-Tool. The battery state of charge and state of health are tested.
>Import result (battery test)<
Here you can import the most recent battery test into the Car History.
13.1.1 Performing a System Test
The following tests are performed consecutively by the BPC-Tool during the system test:
Battery test
Starter test
Alternator test
No-load current test
A blue amp clamp (CP 700) is required for the complete system test. Without an amp clamp, the
current intensity is not measured during the starter and alternator tests. The resistor test is not
applicable at all.
Proceed as follows to perform the system test:
1. Connect the BPC-Tool to the battery (see operating instructions for the BPC-Tool).
2. Insert the electrical plug connection of the clamp meter into the ST3 connector of the BPC-Tool with the arrow
pointing up.
3. Select
>Optional HGS Tools<
in the main menu.
4. Select
Battery diagnostics