USER MANUAL- Termonebulizadora Guskiner 1980'S Fogger Pro
3-3 Switch the electric switch to the "ON" position, gently press the 1 carb oil bubble and hold the start button
(Note: the start button should be pressed for a long time, not intermittently) until turn on the machine.
Note: After spraying is finished, to restart the machine, just press an oil bubble and then press the start
button gently to start. Do not press two bubbles il, otherwise the machine will not start due to excess oil.
3-4. If the machine is not started, repeat step 3. When the machine is started, open the solution valve to start
spraying (water cooling type: firt open water tank valve and the open thesolution tank valve. Both valves
cannot fully open, only 1/3, Max. 1/2). Note: before the machine is started, both valves must be closed.
Before turning off, both valves must be closed.
3.5. Gas tube starting method:
a. Before the machine is started, press the test power to check if there is squeak sound is normal of the
ignition needle. When the sound is normal, the machine can be started.
b. To long press the test power with one hand, to pull the gas tube from slow to fast to inflate by the other
hand, the sound of machine starting can be heard after about pulling 5-6 times. Don't releas the test post
power before the machine is started. The stop pulling, open the solution valve and start to spray