– Polarisation set for viewing of
crystals and fibres.
– Universal photo adapter for
compact digital cameras (with
thread for tripod).
– Dark field condensers for view
ing of bright organisms on a dark
For trinocular model only:
– Video adapter for video cameras
with a C-mount or a C/S mount.
– Video cameras with C-mount or
a C/S mount.
Manual for accessories (not
11.12.15 Polarisation set:
The polarisation set is of a simpel
type, and consist of two filters
(polarisator and analysator). Used
when fibres and crystals are
The small filter (analysator) is
mounted in the following way. Hold
on to the optical head and loosen
the clamp screw on the right side of
the optical head. Take of the optical
head and place it carefully on the
table. The small filter is carefully
placed in the hole. Make sure that it
is centred. The optical head is put
back on again. Use a pair of plastic
tweezers or similar to remove the
The large filter is placed on top of
the lamp, and can be turned.
Each filter aligns the light, and it
gives a dark background if the fil-
ters are turned opposite each other.
If crystals are placed under the
microscope, they will appear bright
and on a dark background.
The polarisation effect can be alte-
red by turning the large filter on the
11.12.18 Darkfield condenser
N.A. 0.77-0.91 (dry):
The darkfield condenser is a speci-
al designed condenser where the
light is blocked away in the centre.
This means that the light cone is
hollow (or ring shaped). The light is
therefore send up in an angle
through the glass. It will not reach
the objectives if it only passes
through glass. The light will how
ever refract when it hits an orga-
nism or similar, and then it will hit
the objectives. The end result is a
bright organism seen on a black
The darkfield condenser is moun-
ted by first dismantling the stan-
dard condenser (loosen the small
silver clamp screw). Put the dark
field condenser in the holder and
tighten the clamp screw again. The
centring of the darkfield condenser
can be checked by using the 4x
objective and lowering the conden-
ser. If the dark ring isn’t centred,
then it can be adjusted with two
clamp screws for the adjustment of
the condenser. Raise the conden-
ser again.
The “dry” version of the darkfield
condenser can be used with the
use of immersion oil. It can, how -
ever, only be used with the two
smallest objectives (4x and 10x).
The darkfield effect can be regu-
lated by raising and lowering the
height of the condenser, but nor-
mally the top position gives the
best effect. Shadows and reflexes
can be difficult to avoid, but fine
adjustments can be prevent many
of them.
11.12.19 Darkfield condenser
N.A. 1.25-1.44 (oil-immersion):
This darkfield condenser works in
principle as the previous, but with
the very important difference that
immersion oil must be used be
tween the condenser and the slide.
When the darkfield condenser is
mounted a drop of immersion oil is
place on top of it. Raise the con-
denser until the drop of oil touches
the underside of the slide.
The “wet” version of the darkfield
condenser is used with the 20x and
40x objectives. It is necessary to
use a special objective with a built-
in iris diaphragm, if you want to use
a 100x objective. The iris dia
phragm makes it possible to adjust
the objective to the available light.
But it must be expected that some
extra adjustments are needed,
when working with this objective.
11.12.21 Eyepiece adapter
This is used for placing an eyepiece
in the trinocular tube. It has a 23
mm hole that fits most eyepieces.
The eyepiece is placed in the hole
and the height of the silver tube is
adjusted to obtain a sharp image of
both the vertically mounted eyepie-
ce and the normal eyepieces. The
height adjustment is done by loose-
ning the silver ring (with grooves)
and then screwing the silver tube
up or down, until the image is
sharp. The silver ring is then tight -
The universal camera adapter
(11.03.85) can be mounted on the
eyepiece, and it is then possible to
use a standard pocket digital
camera (with a tripod mount). An
eyepiece with extra wide field
(EWF) such as 11.10.07 is recom-
mended, as well as a camera with
swingout screen.
11.12.25 CCD adapter 0.4x
med built-in relay-optic
An adapter that is used with a video
camera with a C or a CS-mount.
Mounted in the trinocular tube of
the microscope. The adapter is
equipped with a relay optic that
PrimoX microscopes, binocular and trinocular
Vareno. 111200_10
Rev. 19.06.2007
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