4. Using the Boat
The Halibut kayak is designed for fi shing activities. When-
ever the kayak is used on waterways, Waterway Traffi c Rules
should be observed. Operation of the Halibut a infl atable ca-
noe does not require any licence provided the people who op-
erate the canoe know the techniques of small boat operation
within the scope necessary for its operation, as well as the
valid navigation rules of the particular country.
The Halibut kayak can be used on still or gently fl owing wa-
ters up to Diffi culty Grade WW 1. Use double-bladed kayak
paddles with a length of approx. 210 cm. During navigation,
people must wear swimming vests.
Prior to every use of the boat, check whether it is neces-
sary to observe any special regulations, restrictions or
rules connected with the river, surface of water or area
in which you aim to operate.
The boat is not designed to be towed behind motor-
boats, nor may it be otherwise towed, dragged or in any
way subject to unusual stress. Sharp edged and pointed
items carried in the boat must be safely wrapped.
Place all valuables into a waterproof container and fas-
ten it to the boat.
Over time, sunlight adversely aff ects the rubber coating
of the boat; therefore, it is advisable to store the boat in
shade each time after use.
On large surfaces of water (seas, lakes) pay attention
to water currents and off -shore breezes. Currents and
breezes may make it impossible to return to shore.
Halibut kayak should not be used in poor conditions,
such as In reduced visibility (night, fog, rain).
Characteristics of Di
culty Grade WW 1 – Easy:
Regular water
ow and low and regular wave formation,
small rapids, easy obstacles and frequent meanders with
quick water
Subjective assumptions for riding wild waters graded WW 1:
Knowledge of all basic strokes, both forwards and back-
wards, and steering and control of the boat. The ability
to realistically evaluate the di
culty posed and the actual
state of the river’s waters. Knowledge of elementary life-
saving techniques. Physical
tness and swimming skills are
necessary on long trips.
Technical equipment for WW 1:
All types of open boats;
otation life-jackets with a mini-
mum displacement of 7.5 kg.
Pay extra attention to your choice of fl otation life-jacket.
The fl otation life-jacket should have a tag bearing de-
tails of its fl otation capabilities and safety certifi cation.
5. Folding the boat – see fig. 3
Remove dirt and dry the kayak before rolling up.
Defl ate the seat, dismount the seat and holder boards, the
skeg-fi n, and the probe holder. Open the valves and release
air from the main chambers. The defl ation may be sped up
28. Skeg-fi n and probe metal bracket fi xture
29. Skeg-fi n
30. Probe bracket
31. Fishing rod plastic holder
32. Screw with a plastic nut (see detail C)
33. Screw valve for small chambers (seats, leg rests, etc.)
34. Backrest straps
35. Seat board fi xtures (see detail B)
Dry bag 100 l, compression strap for tightening the packed
kayak, plastic skeg-fi n, user manual with the warranty sheet,
foam sponge, gluing kit containing glue, patches, valve reduc-
tion, 1 replacement screw with a plastic nut, metallic probe
holder, fi shing rod plastic holder.
3. Instructions for inflating the boat
Unfold the kayak. If you intend to use the tracking fi n (29), slide
it into the attachment in the bottom (28). You can also use the
fi xture for fastening the probe holder (30) – detail A. Insert the
fl oor board on the bottom (9) for reinforcing the boat’s bottom.
Pull the seat board (7) into the fi xtures (35) on the bottom side
of the infl atable seat (8) - see detail B. Then infl ate the seat
(rotary valve infl ation – see Fig. 2). Using screws and plastic
nuts, fasten the seat (7) and holder (10) boards into the fi xtu-
res on the cylinders (11) – see detail C.
The front and rear boards (10) can be used for fi xing the rod
plastic holder thanks to the openings; there is a handle for
easier standing up on the front board. Fasten the infl atable
seat (8) by pulling the straps (34) on the backrest through the
fi xtures with a plastic clip (24) on the side cylinders – see detail
D. The boat can be turned in slowly fl owing water by moving
the suspended anchor in the rope loop (20).
Check the condition of the valves before infl ating. Set the val-
ves to the OFF position.
For valve operation see Figure 2.
Infl ate the air chambers in sequence:
The bottom (1) and then the side cylinders (2). Use a foot
pump or piston pump with a valve adaptor for infl ating - see
Figure 2b (the adaptor is included in the glue set). Infl ate
the air chambers to the specifi ed pressure. Use a pressure
gauge with a corresponding adaptor (optional equipment) for
measuring the correct operating pressure - refer to Fig. 2a.
The wrench for valve assembly – see Fig. No. 2c is an optio-
nal accessory. Below the front board, there will be space for
putting baggage, which you can secure against falling out with
the fl exible rope with snap hooks (19).
The maximum operational pressure in air chambers is
0.02 MPa. If the ambient temperature increases (e.g. ow-
ing to sunlight), the pressure in the air chambers of the
canoe can rise rapidly. We recommend releasing some
air from all air chambers of the canoe after pulling it out
of the water. This will prevent possible destruction of
the air chambers. However, do not forget to continuous-
ly check air pressure in the chambers afterwards, too.
When using the boat, always seal the valves with their
valve caps. This will keep dirt out of the valves. Dirt can-
cause leaky valve seals.