background image

If you are using one of GuitarPCB’s 3PDT wiring boards, pads S4, S5, S6 and D6 would be ignored and R10 would not be installed when 
choosing to mount the status LED on the 3PDT wiring board instead. We like to provide different options for builders. 


Other important notes: 

Socket your Transistors


You may wish to change them later and makes troubleshooting a lot easier. 

R10 is the current limiting resistor. Brightness is a preference. 1k8 will yield a very bright LED and the 
higher the resistance the dimmer the light. 3k or even 4.7k has been used. This is your choice.  

YouTube Demo

 is available.


For transistors, diodes, and LED’s, use SIP (Single inline package) sockets. You simply cut the 
number of sockets required with an Exacto knife. This allows for easy changes and troubleshooting.






Soldering Tutorial on Youtube



Need a kit? Check out our authorized worldwide distributors: 

USA – Check out 


 for all your GuitarPCB kit needs in the USA. 

Europe – 

Das Musikding

 Order either boards or kits direct from Europe. 


 - Order either boards or kits direct from Australia 

If they do not have a KIT listed send them a note asking if they can help you out.



This document, PCB Artwork and Schematic Artwork © Schematic, PCB and this 
document by Bruce R.  All copyrights, trademarks, and artworks remain the property of their 
owners.Distribution of this document is prohibited without written consent from claims no rights or affiliation to those names or owners. 

