-LP3 Evaluation Board User Guide
Revision 1.5: 15 December 2020
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The user can graph sensor data. Click on the appropriate sensor box to graph the data in the upper
central area of the user interface. Note, only one sensor can be graphed at a time.
The graph update rate is set to the measurement rate, defined by the ‘Polling’ or ‘Continuous’ Mode
settings in the case of the CO
sensor, or by the Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Settings.
When the current graph is enabled, the evaluation board will accurately measure and graph the
current the sensor uses over the measurement period. This can be updated by clicking the update
button or manually polling using the ‘Current’ button. The key activity period is displayed and the
average current per reading cycle is shown in the output field in the lower half of the display.
For the CozIR®-LP3, where the sensor is updating measurements at 0.5 s intervals, the average
current will be that consumed by the sensor over the whole 0.5s period.