4-Leg Towers
Topics Covered in this Chapter
Assembling the 4-Leg Tower Section (Chevron Bracing)
Assembling the 4-Leg Tower Section (Warren Bracing)
Assembling the 4-Leg Tower Section (Chevron and Warren Bracing)
Stacking the 4-Leg Tower Section
4-Leg Tower Layout
Three different bracing styles are used in 4-leg tower assemblies, dependent on the foot print. Each tower
may consist of various section heights to achieve the required overall height.
If all sides of the tower are 8 ft or greater, chevron bracing style will be used.
If all sides of the tower are 6 ft or smaller, warren bracing style will be used.
If one side is 6 ft or smaller and the other side is 8 ft or greater, then a combination of
warren and chevron bracing style will be used.
Figure 5-1
4-leg tower layouts
2-Leg and 4-Leg Towers