IMU-BPP-030-C-2017.08.17 - 5/6
CIAT Sp. z o.o. – ul. Langiewicza 62 – 95-050 Konstantynów Łódzki – POLAND
tel.: (48) 91 432 35 20 – fax: (48) 91 432 35 36 – e-mail: [email protected] – www.gryfit.com
To close smoke control damper CX-5C apply voltage at actuator wires marked as 1 and 2. The damper will close
after less then 30s. To open smoke control damper CX-5C apply voltage at actuator wires marked as 1 and 3. The
damper will open after less then 30s.
If the damper has been exposed to fire, it should be replaced with a new one.
While returning the damper to the closed position, it is recommended to switch off the smoke extraction system
3 –
The damper does not required special maintenance. However, it is advisable to control the proper working of the
damper and make a written report once a year. Maintenance and service should be carried out by authorized
personnel who have been trained in maintenance by Manufacturer or its local Distributor.
4 –
The damper is delivered in the closed position, with the complete control mechanism installed and blocked by the
mechanical lock (in case of FDG actuator) that has to be removed before commissioning. While installing the
damper on the building site, the industrial safety regulations should be respected and this manual should be
followed in order to avoid damage of the damper.
The dampers should be protected from moisture and mechanical shock or impact. It is forbidden to store more than
two dampers one on top of the other. In case of storage on the ground, the dampers should be put on protective
pads in order to avoid damage or deformation of the casing.
During the transport, the damper should be always in the closed postion and in case of FDG actuator it should be
blocked. To do it, use the hex key in slot (1) and rotate it in the direction indicated by the arrow below the slot until
display under the main indicator (3) of the actuator reaches 90 degrees position i.e. damper in closed position. To
block the actuator in this position, turn the screw (2) using screwdriver in the direction indicated by the arrow below.
Now you can release the hex key.
Label of the FDG-8-230 actuator.