E 10210 12 - 2005
Command REQUEST STATUS [248]: if the reply is not OK the Validator will not be able
to accept coins. Optionally the command PERFORM SELF-CHECK [232] can be used.
Command MODIFY INHIBIT STATUS [231]: Activate the coins that should be
Command MODIFY SORTER OVERRIDE STATUS [222]. This command tells the
validator the available sorter paths. It is not necessary to send this command if the
sorter is not utilised. In this case, it is assumed that the coins have not programmed
their own sorter path.
Command READ BUFFERED CREDIT OR ERROR CODES [229]. Retransmit this
command with adequate frequency (one command in less than 1 second) so that the
Validator can accept coins and the machine can read the coin data.
All the commands implemented comply with cctalk® standards. Among the specific cctalk
commands, the first group is general, that is, commands valid for any type of device. The rest
of the specific cctalk commands are designed to be used with Vaidators.
A PIN can protect all the commands, except “Address Poll (253)” and “Simple Poll (254)”. If it
receives a command and a valid a PIN has not previously been introduced, the Validator will
not answer the command. The value a PIN = 0 will deactivate this protection.
The X66 validator can work in one of the 3 following modes:
Normal mode: the majority of the cctalk commands are available. See Table 3, page 11.
Secure mode: some commands are not available. See Table 4, page 13.
“L66 compatibility” mode: it is similar to “Secure Mode”, some commands are not
available (see Table4, page 17). Additionally, some others commands have their
behaviour modified or are not available. See Table, page 14 .