Do not install the product near heat sources, like radiators or other
equipment that produces some heat. If the product is not classified by
any IP class, do not install the product in very cold or hot temperatures
(please refer to the working temperature specified in the specification
sheet of the product), dusty, dirty or damp environment.
If the product is classified by any IP class, never touch the product
cover directly with your fingers, because the acidic sweat of the fingers
may damage the surface coating of the product cover. To clean the
inside and outside of the product cover, use a soft and dry cloth. In any
case, do not use alkaline detergents. The correct configuration of all
passwords and other security settings is the sole responsibility of the
installer and/or end-user (this applies especially to IP Cameras and
Special Installation Instructions for Cameras
Do not touch the sensor module with your fingers. Do not aim the
camera or camera lens at a strong light such as the sun or a bright lamp.
Irreversible damage to the camera can be caused by a strong light.
Do not expose the sensor of the product to laser beams as this may
damage the sensor.
If the product supports IR, you need to take some precautions to
prevent IR reflection. Do not install the product close to reflective
surfaces of objects as this may cause reflection. If the product has a
dome cover, please remove the protection film only after installation
to prevent dust or grease on the camera which can cause reflection.
The foam ring around the lens must be seated flush against the inner
surface of the bubble to isolate the lens from the IR LEDS. Fasten the
dome cover to the camera body so that the foam ring and the dome
cover are attached seamlessly.