Move a TV or Radio Program/s
1. Select the preferred program then press the RED button. A
move symbol
will appear
2. Press UP/DOWN to move the program
3. Press OK to confirm
4. Repeat the above steps to move more channels
Lock Program/s
You can lock selected programs for restricted view.
Lock a TV or Radio Program:
1.Select the preferred program then press the YELLOW button. A
symbol is displayed. The program is now marked as locked
2. Repeat the previous step to select more programs
3. To confirm and exit the menu, press the EXIT button
4. Press the YELLOW button to disable the locked program
5. To view the locked program, you will be require to enter either the default
password '000000' or your last set password.
(3) EPG (Electronic program guide)
The EPG is
an on-screen TV guide that
shows scheduled programs seven
days in advance for every tuned channel. Press the EPG button on the Remote
Control to access
You can use the UP/DOWN key to select the preferred program. If there is
than one page of information, use the BLUE button
for page up
the YELLOW button for page down.
(4) Sort
Sort your channels from the following options:
[LCN] - Sort the channels in
ascending order
[Name] - Sort the channels in alphabetical order
[Service ID] - Sort the channels
according to the station
(5) LCN (Logical channel number)
Set LCN on or off.
Programme Guide
Sun. 26 Jan 2008 11:26
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Vaior afegit
Les comarques de muntanya
viuen una clara represa
economica en els ultims anys.
La ramaderia I l agricultura
deixen pas a un potent sector
turistic I a la creacio I
consolidacio d algunes
Les comarques de
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26 Jan 11:10-11:30 El medi ambient
26 Jan 11:30-12:00 Noticies 3/24
26 Jan 12:00-12:22 Noticies 3/24
26 Jan 12:22-12:30 Canal Parlament
26 Jan 12:30-13:00 Noticies 3/24
26 Jan 13:00-13:30 Noticies 3/24
26 Jan 13:30-14:00 Noticies 3/24
26 Jan 14:00-14:30 Noticies 3/24
26 Jan 14:30-15:30 Telenoticies migdia
26 Jan 11:10-11:30 Valor afegit
26 Jan 11:10-11:30 Noticies 3/24
003 3/24