Battery Charger
The inverter is equipped with an active PFC (power factor correction) multistage battery charger.
When AC voltage is in the range of 154~260VAC, the charging current is 100%. The inverter is with a strong
charging current, and the charge current can be adjusted from 10A~40A
There are mainly 3 stages:
Bulk Charging: This is the initial stage of charging. While Bulk Charging, the charger supplies the battery with
controlled constant current. The charger will remain in Bulk charge until the absorption charge voltage is
Absorb Charging: This is the second charging stage and begins after the absorb voltage has been reached.
Absorb charging provides the batteries with a constant voltage and reduces the DC charging current in order
to maintain the absorb voltage setting.
In this period
the inverter will start a T1 time; the charger will keep the boost voltage in Boost CV mode
until the T1 time has run out. When charging current is <0.01C or the time is over 12 hours, then drop the
voltage Down to the float voltage.
Float Charging: The third charging stage occurs at the end of the absorb charging time. During float
charging, the charge voltage is reduced to the float charge voltage. In this stage, the battery are kept fully
charged and ready if needed by the inverter.