AAC / iTunes with bitrates up to 389Kbps
OGG/Vorbis with bitrates up to 389Kbps
Note 1:
No digital rights management (DRM)-protected content purchased through major
Online stores will play directly through the USB-MP3 adapter as such content is encrypted and signed by the media
publisher. This includes but is not limited to iTunes, Rhapsody, Zune Marketplace, and MSN. You need to burn
such files to a CD and then rip them back with any capable software.
The music purchased from Amazon and is compatible with GROM-USB2 without any modifications.
Note 2:
AAC files stored on USB Flash Drives may have a delay of 5-10 seconds before the music starts playing
3.3.3 Operating with more than one musical device connected
When you have more then one device connected (for example MP3 player and USB stick) you will need to
disconnect the device that currently is not playing from the GROM box.
3.3.4 Directories Setup
- On your USB portable data medium, create one directory (folder) for each disc your stereo supports; name them
with numbers (i.e., 1-Pop, 2-Rock, 3-Classic, etc); save all of your music into these directories.
- As soon as you connect the GROM AND2 adapter to a USB portable data medium, the GROM will translate root
directories into virtual discs. Their number depends on the number of discs supported by the specific car stereo.
- We recommend that you have as many directories as possible on a root level as the car stereo will not recognize
subdirectories. The GROM itself will enumerate subdirectories and turn them into a flat list of tracks.
- If filenames in a certain directory begin with digits, they will be played in ascending order based on the order of
those digits in the filenames. For example:
\1-Dance\My songs\
02. Track.mp3
01. Track.mp3 (will play first according to the number )
- If filenames begin with letters, they are played in ascending order of the file creation date/time.
- If root directory starts with the number, the directory will be assigned to a respective virtual disc.
All MP3, WMA, iTunes, and OGG tracks will be enumerated and found once you select the appropriate disc.
Check USB Drive Setup guide at http
The picture below is for reference only; different stereos may have different operational buttons.
Please check your manual or contact tech support at
Rev. 1.2