G5959Z 12" Left-Tilting Table Saw
Figure 7. Using tape to shim for wing alignment.
Masking Tape
Raise or lower the rear of the wing until the
wing and table are flush. Tighten the bolt.
Further adjustments should be minimal.
Check flushness at the front bolt and adjust
if necessary.
Repeat Steps 3-7 for the other extension
Now, check the alignment of the table and
both wings with a straightedge. The straight-
edge should run flat across both wings and
the table top. If the straightedge contacts
both wings and the table evenly, you are fin-
ished with this section. If it does not, contin-
ue to Step 10.
10. If the extension wings tilt up or down at the
outside edges, remove the wings and shim
them with masking tape as shown in Figure 7.
a. If the wings tilt down, stick layers of mask-
ing tape under each bolt near the bottom
edge of the wing and retighten.
b. If the wing tilts up, apply layers of masking
tape above each bolt near the top edge of
the wing and retighten. Allow tape to
extend above the table surface and trim
with a sharp knife after final assembly.
11. Replace the wings and check again.
FIGURE 8. Attaching guard support shaft.
Guard Support Shaft
Disconnect the table saw from the power
Push the threaded end of the shaft through
the hole in the back of the sawand into the
rear trunnion bracket (Figure 8).
3. Reach into the table opening and secure the
guard support shaft with the hex nut and
4. Slide the guard support over the shaft and
tighten the hex bolt.