Specifications are subject to change without prior notification
From serial number 7027
12 Lubrication and Maintenance
12.1 Greasing
12.2 Before Use
12.3 Replacing Points & Shear
12.4 Tyres
12.5 Wheel bearings
12.6 Replacing Tines
12.7 Hydraulics
12.1 Greasing
There are several grease points on the Deep
Digger, these should be greased at the start
of every season, then as indicated and again
after cleaning the machine at the end of
figure 1 Pull tongue 3 points weekly
figure 2 Wheel Hubs 4 points weekly
figure 5 Wheel Lift Cylinders 2 points each weekly
figure 3 Wheel pivots 2 points weekly
figure 6 Hydraulic Crumble Roller 2 points each
figure 7 Crumble Roller 2 points weekly
figure 4 Level Lift Cylinder 2 points weekly