d. The specification of the hardware board (200-).
In the example, the items marked “C” in the right margin are all programmable
device assemblies which fulfill the software requirements.
4. Definition of a Hardware Board
The hardware board (200-) bill of materials contains two categories of items that
relate to programmable devices.
a. The non-software programmable device sets (126-) that fulfill hardware
requirements (Items D1 through D4 in the example).
b. The references to all of the programmable devices (122-) on the board. These
references resolve device location on the board in that they use the SYMBOL field
of the bill of materials to specify component location. These 122- numbers are of
the form 122-3XXXX-9999 or 122-0YYYY-9999.
The 122- numbers of the form 122-3XXXX-9999 are used for non-software
programmable devices (126-) that fulfill hardware requirements and therefore these
programmable device sets appear on the hardware board (200-) bill of materials
(Items D5 through D10 in the example).
The 122- numbers of the form 122-0YYYY-9999 are used for both software
programmable devices (125-) (Items D12 through D15 in the example) and
non-software programmable devices (126-) (Item D11 in the example) that fulfill
software requirements.
These programmable device sets appear on the hardware/software board (205-) bill
of materials.
The exact programmable device (the resolution of the -9999 in the above items) is
specified by the respective software programmable device set (125-) or the
non-software programmable device set (126-) bill of materials.
Using the SYMBOL field as specified above would discourage the use of the
SYMBOL field for this purpose in the programmable device sets (125- and 126-) bill of
materials. This would then permit the specification of the same programmable device
sets in different boards, hence different component designators.
In the example, Figure 6-1:
The items flagged D1 through D4 in the right margin are non-software programmable
device sets. The items flagged D5 through D10 in the right margin are non-software
programmable device designators that fulfill hardware requirements. The item flagged
D11 in the right margin is a non-software programmable device designator that fulfills
software requirements. The items flagged D12 through D15 in the right margin are
software programmable device designators that fulfill software requirements.
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