After re-positioning, rinse membrane with water. We highly recommend to wait at least 30 to 45 minutes
before starting to re-calibrate the unit. In order to make absolutely sure that measurements will be correct, allow
electrode to stabilise for 12 hours (during the night) before re-calibrating as Teflon material, which is easily
overstretched during positioning, will without fault return to its original state after some time.
Once this state has been reached again, this can be seen at the display of the unit as immediately after replacing
the membrane a relatively high value is displayed; due to the tension in the material being relieved the value on
the display will fall accordingly.
Please note that our experience has shown that in most cases inaccurate measurements are the results of the
membrane being incorrectly replaced and/or the unit being incorrectly calibrated. Please make sure to emplay
utmost care when replacing the membrane or calibrating the unit.
In the course of the time and due to temperature differences during measurements the membrane will loose its
elasticity and, if electrode has not been stored in water, will have to be replaced after 3 months regardless of its
being defective or not.