Operating Manual GMR 110
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5.3 Temperature compensation
The temperature compensation is important for a reliable moisture-measuring.
There for the device features a automatic temperature compensation (Atc) or manual temperature
compensation input. The choice between the two possibilities is done in the Menu (Atc on/off)
According to the selected material characteristic curve the device will use the associated tempera-
ture compensation.
Calling temperature when using automatig temperature compensation (Atc on):
• press shortly
: in the display will appear:
and the temperature
• press
again to switch back to the measuring display.
Temperature selection:
• press shortly
: in the display will appear:
and the temperature
or .
• set the temperature by pressing
• press
again to switch back to the measuring display.
5.4 Auto-Hold function
Particularly when measuring dry materials, electrostatic charges and other similar noise could dither
the measuring value. With activated auto-hold function the device will acquire an exact measuring
value automatically. During that, the device could be put down to avoid noise through discharge of
the clothing etc.
After having acquired the measuring value, the display will change to „HLD‟: The value will be fro-
zen as long as a new measuring is initiated by pressing key 3 (hold).
5.5 Measuring in wood
For measuring wood, punch in the measuring-pikes across to the wood-grain, having a good con-
tact between the pikes and the wood (measuring along wood-grain deviates minimal).
The device may be damaged.
correct wood-sort
(see chapter 4.4 or Appendix A).
Ensure to have entered the
correct temperature
(see chapter 5.3).
Now read the measuring-value or when having activated the auto-hold-function initiate a new
measuring by pressing
(key 3) .
The measured resistance will be extremely high when measuring dry wood (<15%) thus the meas-
uring will need more time to achieve its terminal value among other things static discharge could
momentarily falsify the measuring. Therefore beware of static discharge and wait long enough until
a stable measuring value is displayed (unstable
: „%“ blinking) or use the auto-hold-function (see
chapter 5.4 Auto-Hold function).
When measuring very wet wood (e.g.>50%u) the measuring value may suffer from polarisation ef-
fects (steadily decreasing measuring value). In this case the value 5 seconds after the insertion of
the electrodes respectively after switching on the instrument is valid.
Very accurate measures can be carried out within the range of
6 to 30%
Beyond this range the accuracy will lessen, but the device will deliver reference values still sufficient
for the practitioner.
It is measured between the measuring-pikes insulated among each other. Requirements for an ex-
act measurement:
choose correct place to measure: place should be free of irregularities like resin
–clusters, knurls,
rifts, etc.
choose correct measure depth: Recommendation: for trimmed timber: punch in the pikes up to
1/3 of the material thickness.