User’s Manual GLMU 200 MP
page 7 of 8
5.8 'dA.Lo': Display at zero output (output scaling)
Enter the display value at which the output should have 4mA (or 0V).
The value range is depending on the selected measuring function (Func) and range (rAnG).
5.9 'dA.Hi': Display at maximum output (output scaling)
Enter the value at which the output should have 20mA (or 1 / 10V).
The value range is depending on the selected measuring function (Func) and range (rAnG).
5.10 'Unit' with Temp-arrow: Temperature unit
Temperature unit: All referring settings and displays are done in this unit.
Choice between °C and °F (ex works: °C)
5.11 'OFFS' with Temp-arrow: Offset of temperature measuring
The offset of the measuring will be shifted by this value, the input is in °C. Calculation: see below.
Max. input range: -5.0...5.0 °C or 'oFF': offset is deactivated (=0.0, ex works)
5.12 'SCAL' with Temp-arrow: Scale correction of temperature measuring
The scale of the measuring is changed by this value. Calculation: see below.
Max. input range: -5.00...5.00 or 'oFF': scale is deactivated (=0.00, ex works)
The adjusting of the temperature by means of offset and scale is intended to be used to compensate
deviations of the measuring. It is recommended to keep the scale correction deactivated (“oFF”). The display
value is given by following formula:
Temperature display = measured value - offset
With a scale correction (just for calibration laboratories, etc) the formula changes:
Temperature display = (meas. value - offset) * ( 1 + scale correction/100)
After pressing key 1 again, the instrument will restart (display 8888).
6 Disposal instructions
The device must not be disposed in the regular domestic waste.
Send the device directly to us (sufficiently stamped), if it should be disposed. We will dispose the device
appropriate and environmentally sound.