Roof drive unit
In contrast to the other larger RollOff
observatories, the motor unit for the
is installed on the right.
Position the drive (pre-assembled with mounting
board) in the corner of your observatory.
Attach like this:
the plate, with three 8x100 screws
the plate, with three 6x60 screws
Install the control unit directly below and attach it
to the wall with four 5x30 screws.
Please note: when routing the cables, these
should be pulled up BEHIND the control unit.
Installation of the drive unit
The motor and gear box comes pre- mounted on
its board.
The gear wheel must completly engage in the
Check that the motor axis is
the plane of the rack. This is important!
Should it be necessary to adjust: Loosen the four
nuts under the plate, push the motor forwards (or
backwards) until the gear settles correctly.
Please refrain from powering-up the roofdrive, we
first have to install both
limit switches
Limit switches
The two limit switches (pre-assembled on an
aluminum bracket) are screwed in place with two
5x30 screws. (see the markings on the front left
cross member, above the door rail. The switches
are marked with "Open" and "Close".
Please note:
Allthough bothe switches were also pre-adjusted
during the first-time build-up, both should still be
checked and, if necessary, readjusted during your
test run.
Dome Parts GmbH
Keltenstr. 2
86517 Wehringen,
phone: +49 8234 90 59 100
e-mail: [email protected]
... the observatory people
Roof Drive System
GreenLine MINI