Chain Saws with Chain Brake
Greenlee / A Textron Company
4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070
Sharpening the Saw Chain
Filing Depth Gauges
1. If the cutters are sharpened with a file holder, check
and lower the depth gauges before sharpening the
2. Check the depth gauges every third sharpening.
3. Place the depth gauge tool on the cutter. If the
depth gauge projects, file it level with the top of the
tool. Always file from the inside of the saw chain
toward an outside cutter.
Lowering Depth Gauges
4. Round off the front corner to maintain the original
shape of the depth gauge after using the depth
gauge tool. Always follow the recommended depth
gauge setting of the chain manufacturer. This is
important for maximum performance throughout
the saw chain’s life as well as for protection against
Rounding Off Depth Gauges
Filing Cutters — General
1. Support the file holder on the cutter top plate and
depth gauge as shown.
Filing Cutters
File Holder
2. File the cutters on one side of the saw chain from
the inside out. File on the forward stroke only.
Filing Cutters
3. Keep the line on the file holder parallel to the center
of the saw chain. Reverse the procedure for the
other side.
Filing Cutters
File Holder Line
4. Keep all cutters the same length.
Filing Cutters
5. File enough to remove any damage to the cutting
edges (side plate and top plate) of the cutter.
Filing Cutters
Side Plate
Top Plate