2007 POWER FINDER™ Circuit Tracer
Greenlee Textron Inc. / Subsidiary of Textron Inc.
4455 Boeing Dr., Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA 815/397-7070
Prior to plugging the transmitter into the circuit to be traced,
use an approved voltage tester, such as the Greenlee 6706,
6708, or 6709, to determine the voltage present. If the voltage
is less than 300 volts AC or DC, you may continue.
Do not connect the PowerFinder to power in excess of 300
volts! Connecting to more than 300 volts will cause damage to
the unit.
Connection to a live circuit with no receptacle
1) Connect the alligator clips of the transmitter adapter plug to the
hot and neutral. If the neutral is not present, connect to hot and
known ground.
2) Plug transmitter into transmitter adapter plug.
3) Operate receiver as in EXAMPLE 1.