Vent System
The Rota Pod airflow requirement is provided by 75mm pipe and incorporates a continuous running
fan (supplied). Consider how the fan will be powered (240VAC or 12VDC) and ensure the fan
housing is accessible for maintenance. Ensure correct airflow of the fan
away from the toilet.
Remember that warm air from the composting chamber (the composting process generates its own
warmth) naturally rises, and that sharp bends restrict airflow
designing the vent piping correctly will
improve natural operation.
Warm air holding moisture entering a cold vent can result in condensation. Consider insulating the
outlet vent piping or providing a moisture (condensate) trap as per page 4 and 5.
Excess Liquid
A lot of the liquid waste is used up in the composting process, as well as being evaporated through the
vent system. An absorption trench is required to deal with any excess liquid.
The length of the trench is 1
2 m for the Rota Pod servicing 2
3 people. The trench is to be 400mm
wide, 400mm deep.
However, dimensions must not be less than required by Regulation 50 of the Health (Treatment of
Sewage and Disposal of Effluent and Liquid Waste) Regulations 1974 or AS/NZS 1547. See diagram
for an installation below.
The first thing to do is to decide where in the toilet room you want to place the Rota Pod. Ensure you
have an outside facing wall at the back of the Rota Pod for ventilation and excess liquids drain