4. The second 2.4GHz antenna can be routed down and
out the bottom of the fuselage or out of the fl oor of the canopy.
If using a 72MHz receiver, guide the antenna down through
the back of the fuselage.
5. Of the two switch mounting locations pre-cut into the
fuselage sides, determine which one you will use for mounting
the on/off switch for the receiver as well as the battery charge
jack (or, if none of these is suitable, use the switch mounting
plate that came with your switch as a template for cutting
new holes).
For glow engines the switch should be
mounted on the side of the fuselage
the muffl er. Cut
the covering from the switch mount holes and mount the on/
off switch. Then connect the switch to the radio and battery.
Install the Propeller and Spinner
1. Install the spinner back plate and propeller onto the engine.
Temporarily install the prop washer and prop nut. Fit the spinner
cone to the spinner back plate. The screws for the spinner cone
need to align with the screw holes in the back plate. Depending
on your choice of engine and propeller the holes will most likely
not align correctly. If this is the case, cut the alignment pins from
the spinner back plate with a sharp hobby knife.
2. Install the modifi ed back plate, propeller and spinner
cone. Secure the spinner cone to the backplate with the two
self-tapping screws included with the spinner.