Fan and Adjustment
1. These steps presume that correct seed disks are
installed (Seed Rate Charts), and the seed inlet
shutters are set for the seed (page 76).
2. With fan off, check meter pressurization reported by
seed monitor. Re-zero as needed (see Seed Monitor
3. Determine recommended fan rpm based on your
own notes in the Seed Rate Charts, or the table on
4. Determine the recommended meter pressurization
based on your own notes or the published value in
the Seed Rate Charts.
5. Start the fan. Gradually increase fan rpm using the
tractor’s hydraulic flow control for the circuit. Adjust
to the developed or suggested value from step 3.
6. Check that at least a small amount of pressure is
being sensed at the meters and meter pressurization
is near suggested value.
7. Perform a “FILL METER” operation for at least one
minute (see DICKEY-john® Planter/Drill Control user
level 1 manual).
8. Check for meter fill:
With fan running, put the tractor in Park and set the
brakes. Walk behind the wings, remove several rain
covers, and check for seed in meters by looking
through the clear disks. Rows to check are those
with longer hoses or sharper hose bends.
9. Fill the disk pockets with seed:
Run a “FILL DISK” operation.
10. Check control air system pressure. With meters and
disks filled, meter pressurization should be at target
11. Begin planting. Troubleshoot any obvious problems
or alarms.
The meter pressurization system cannot reach full operating
pressure when the hoses, meters and disks are completely
empty. Low initial pressures are normal.
If a meter runs completely out of seed (“starved”),
back-pressure to the air box manifold may prevent prompt
refill. To fill a starved meter, with the fan running, close the
seed inlet shutter for about 15 seconds, then restore it to the
original setting.