Document #
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(Old) Disc Scraper Adjustment:
Prior to first use, and periodically thereafter, inspect all
disc scrapers for proper gap and adjust as needed.
Reverse scraper blades when the specific adjustment
is no longer possible. Replace the scrapers when
either side can no longer be adjusted to the proper
1) Adjust the scraper blades by loosening the two car-
riage bolts (8). Slide and rotate the scrapers and re-
tighten the bolts when finished.
Note: If the specified
gap is not set, the blade will plug.
3/8 inch
(9.5 mm)
gap min.
1/8 inch
(3.2 mm)
gap min.
Cast Roller Adjustment (Optional):
The roller attachment is designed to size clods and
consolidate the soil profile. It can be hydraulically
adjusted with a reference gauge on the left wing.
1) Set the blue hydraulic circuit to Float and take note
of the roller reference gauge reading.
2) While making a tillage pass, set the blue hydraulic
circuit to neutral to lock the roller in position.
3) Moving the gauge toward “E” reduces down pres-
sure while moving the gauge toward “A” increases
Note: The roller is capable of lifting the rear gang out of
the soil and disturbing the fore/aft setting. When
increasing roller pressure, ensure that the machine
does not raise as the pressure increases.
4) If wheel tracks or power hopping occurs, increase
the roller pressure.
5) Note the reference gauge setting for future use.
(New) Disc Scraper Adjustment:
Prior to first use, and periodically thereafter, inspect all
disc scrapers for proper gap and adjust as needed.
Replace the scrapers when they can no longer be
properly adjusted.
1) Adjust the scraper blades by loosening the two bolts
(9). Rotate the scraper until 1/16” to 1/8” gap between
the scraper and blade is achieved and re-tighten the
bolts when finished.
Note: This measurement is essen-
tial for proper trash flow.