Appendix C - Accessory Installation
Appendix C - Accessory Installation
Side Dress Installation
Side Dress accessory kits provide a left wing extension
to support an additional (17th) coulter and applicator
drop. The kit is user-installed, and conversion between
pre-emergence and side dress modes requires user
re-configuration of the applicator.
See page 153 for ordering information.
407-907A Liquid, no coulter, for NP2540LL ............... 176
407-940A Liquid, fluted, for NP2540LL ...................... 176
407-941A Liquid, turbo, for NP2540LL....................... 176
417-124A Anhydrous for NP2540AA ......................... 180
Conventional Liquid Side Dress
Installing / Changing to Side Dress
For reverting to pre-emergence, continue at page 183.
Resources required:
Tractor with FOLD / FIELD switch for unfold and
lift/lower operations
Hoist with 100 pound (45 kg) capacity
one fertilizer orifice plate, sized to
of the rate
intended, or a 829-144C VeriFlow nozzle (if
829-143C nozzles are used on the main rows)
Boom tap caps (830-061C) for each active rear
fertilizer drop line
three dozen cable ties
all-purpose grease and grease gun
basic hand tools
Prepare Applicator
1. Discharge NH
system (page 116), if the applicator
is also equipped for anhydrous.
2. Move applicator to a level clear surface with
adequate illumination.
3. Raise applicator (page 48).
4. Install lift assist cylinder locks (page 47).
5. Unfold wings (page 54).
6. Fully extend wing gauge wheels.
7. Install parking stands (page 40).
8. Lower applicator onto parking stands.
9. Unhitch tractor.
Machine Damage Risk (Dual Tank Configurations):
The shank (rod) of the 17th (side dress) coulter must be
mounted on the rear face of the front tool bar to avoid
interference with the fertilizer tanks in folding.
Figure 105
407-941A Side Dress Installed