Cleaning and Maintenance
The small vent hole in the regulator must
be kept clean of dirt and debris. Keep the
gas-supply hose at least 3" away from any
grill surface that becomes hot during use.
After each cooking, shut the lid and turn
control knobs to highest setting for 5 minutes
to burn off grease drippings inside grill.
Occasionally turn the ceramic briquettes over
before lighting to burn off extra grease
residue. Replace them with fresh ones if they
become too saturated with grease.
Use a brass bristle brush on porcelain cook-
ing grids. Wash cooking grids with a mild
soap, a scrub brush and hot water. Use a
mild soap and hot water to wash all other grill
To refinish the outside of the aluminum grill
castings, clean and then lightly sand with a
fine sandpaper. Clean with a vinegar / water
solution, and rinse with water. When dry,
paint with a high-temperature paint following
directions on paint-can label.
Inspect and clean the burner regularly.
Remove grill components from the grill bot-
tom necessary to get to the burner inside.
Cleaning the Venturi Tubes
Because the burner is made of cast iron,
rusting is to be expected. Use a wire bristle
brush to clean the burner surface. A Burner
Cleaning Kit has been provided and is
attached inside the pillar wall just above the
certification label. Use the tool’s serrated tip
to clear the ports of any blockage.
Spiders and other insects are known to
sometimes build homes inside a burner’s
venturi tubes. This can become a serious
problem. A spider web or wasp nest inside
the venturi tube can block gas flow and can
cause a fire at the gas-control valve. Such
a fire can cause operator injury and do seri-
ous damage to your grill. The venturi tubes
have fine screens to discourage spiders and
insects from building a nest inside.
However, some very small spiders may spin
webs inside the venturi tubes.
Inspect the venturi tubes if a blockage is
First, disconnect and remove the fuel
source from the grill.
Next detach and remove the burner from
grill bottom.
Insert a long pipe cleaner (about 20" long)
inside the venturi tubes to loosen and
remove blockages. Use care so as not to
damage the screens inside the tubes. A
high pressured stream of water may also be
If a blockage occurs inside the gas-control
valve, located behind the conrol panel, it
may be necessary to clear the valve ori-
fices. Unscrew the orifices from rear of the
gas-control valve. Wash the orifices and
blow air through the small end holes.